Here at Twin Care, bullying of any kind will not be tolerated inside or outside the home. If you experience any kind of bullying, you must inform one of the staff members so that they can ensure that this stops and provide you with the support that you need to ensure that you feel safe and secure inside and outside of the home. If you are involved in bullying anyone inside or outside of the home, then we will treat this very seriously and could impact your living at the home. Different types of bullying include being insulted, saying nasty things about your family and friends, being shouted or sworn at, being called names, threatened with violence, physical abuse or having things stolen. It is important to always remember that we always expect all the people within the home to treat each other with respect and we will not tolerate any forms of bullying, intimidation or racial harassment. As we are living in an age of technology and social media, we assume that you are aware of cyberbullying and internet safety. You may have done plenty of work regarding this in school, but you need to be aware that this goes via the internet on social networking sites such as Snapchat and Instagram. E-safety will be an aspect we constantly check up on for our residents.
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