Your allowances and financial support 

At 16 to 18 years of age you are entitled to £57.90 per week from your leaving care team in line with benefits. This maybe topped up if you attend education or are on a training program. You will be expected to pay a small service charge towards the bills within the home. Your allowances will be paid on a set day by staff from the home. Part of your allowance can be held in the staff safe to ensure you do not run out, this is only until you feel you are confident of managing your own finances which shouldn’t take very long. At some point, we will encourage you to manage your own finances independently and your allowances will be paid directly into your bank account for you to manage. If you are in full time education or training, we will also encourage you to get a part time job in the evenings, weekend and holidays to supplement your income and even have some cash to put into savings. If you damage any items in the home, then you will have to pay back the full cost of the damage out of your allowances either in full or over a number of weeks and this may also impact on your tenancy agreement and jeopardize you living at the home.