Promoting independence:
At Twin Care, staff are committed to helping you transition into independent living and adulthood by committing to support you as you prepare. We hope that you will have learnt all the necessary skills as your 18th birthday approaches and are able to live a happy and successful life. When the time comes our staff will work with you and your personal advisor to locate a suitable place for you to live in around an area of your choice. Based on your circumstance at that time you will be allowed claim certain benefits such as universal credit, housing benefits or tax credits if you are employed. You may be entitled to support until you reach 25. As the time comes closer your personal advisor will give you all the advice, knowledge and support you will need. In some cases, we may visit you in your new home and offer some support until you have settled in properly, at the request of your personal advisor.
We always promote independence and we will be working with you to prepare for adulthood.
Areas we promote and encourage independence include:
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